QFix Services offer different brands & model Motherboard Repair Service, like Intel, Gygabyte, Foxcon, Bioster, MSI, ECS, Asus, Dell, HP etc. We are ready to repair your all of above Motherboards. Our objective is to exceed Customer Satisfaction levels by providing cheap and trustworthy technical Support to all over Bangladesh.
Motherboard Repair Service are following:
No Display
No Power
Auto Resterting
Hang Problem
Graphics Problem
Blue Screen Problem
No Sound
No Network
Best Service Center Near You!
Terms & Conditions:
- Warranty: Qfix Service will give 15 days of service warranty. However, warranty on consumable materials/parts are as per manufacturer.
- Costing: Service charge is not fixed it’s negotiable & the price will differ if any additional or replacing materials/parts installed.
- Diagnosis Charge: Diagnosis Charge of maximum BDT 300 is applicable if the customer decides not to take the service after the service provider has done a diagnosis of the problem.
- Safety Measures: Customer will be solely responsible for their personal material and the safety of household resources.
- Pick & Drop Service: If you unable to manage your time, don’t worry we will help you to pick-Up & Drop-off device form your home or office.